[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

so that means the title is prob right and its only 20 people. good job

21th slot, which is listed as ???.

Oh. I see.

At least it was refunded.

What does peek do?

What I said is still not enough for your claim vig?

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Good if so.

I’m not claim vig. I just don’t know what peek does.

Peek normally refers to alignment check aka cop check.

Peek me. You’re accusing me you might as well back it up.

Well if I could peek any amount of time per day I’d really start doubting the veracity of my ability.

Cool. Peek me tomorrow.

A healer be on Astand.

Somewhat villagery request from Nerbins.

I’ll consider it.

Or I peek Icibalus since he’s casting doubt on my result without basis other than “lolbastard game”.

Although I have a theory is that he is from a different scum team as Luxy (he could have more suspicion about my check in that case).

Or you can peek me and prevent a mislynch.
I’m also fine with Ici but I wanna be cleared. You know what let’s ask the man himself how he feels about being peeked.
Astand says he might peek you tomorrow. How’d you feel about that?

Again, healers on Astand.

I assume they gonna be ginger bread golems so i reckon u can fit them somewhere lol

yes more to add to my commander decks

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Actually I have an even more spicier theory. It depends on what defense Luxy might attempt. I’m looking forward to it.

I will quote this post if needed.