[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

ill keep an eye on them.
Im generally late to the vote and i kinda like it that way

Watch me VULT
Then watch me CRUSADE

/vote Universal

Before I like never voted day 1 out of principle but I’m smarter now

lets just agree to disagree for now

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@Emilia You still have the right to choose some other stupid avatar for me as well.

Seems like a trend.


I thought you were Hippo for a sec

I’d like to hear more from @Ami personally. Hes p good at reading nerbs and has been quiet this game.

Why is Hja choosing people’s avatars?
Speaking of which I need mine changed.

Is that a JoJo reference?

its not because its d1 (effectively)
i just am more reserved with my vote :man_shrugging:

I used to do that to

it had the same meter as whip/nae nae
prolly a reference to that

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She won a challenge I issued and won permanent right to choose my avatar.

Ah. It isn’t actually that bad.


shakes head in Ave Maria

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:man_shrugging: i dont really care to change it
supposedly its bad play but thats all ive been told/shown, and its worked well enough forme

It…it hasn’t for me, let me tell ya

i’ve been rather busy, had an audition today plus was spending time with bf. i should be in full force once i eat supper in a few hours


I mean it has worked out for you
You don’t get mislynched as often as I do, I think