[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Despite Simon’s scummy posts I don’t think we’ll get too much from him at this point, so I’ll back off from him for a bit.

@Simon can you give me an opinion on Icibalus?

flavor has an effect on abilities. especially in bastard game.
i was basing what your ability does partially on your being a judge…

which is what i thought at the time i said that.
to be clear, at the time i said what is quoted, kyo was still claiming judge. please dont spread that kind of misinformation.
knowing now that your a prosecutor your ability claim makes less sense. does it still use the term “over-rule” or was that you just adding that in?

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supposed to be a reply to the quoted kyo post

I know. I was saying that you may know it as Lawyer knows my name (mostly assumed because I know his).

Out of all the people you can pick, you choose someone who has barely posted? I do not even know if they have said something important. Why pick them out of everyone?

I am a player.

Um, unsure.
he backed me in asking kai about all 3 factions which i like. not sure what else he has really done of note so far off the top of my head so not much besides that

you said i know it. not that i may know it, giving the implication that i am lawyer. if thats what your claiming fine but please be up front about it

recent stuff happened that makes them a person of note

I actually think this is pretty condemning of Maximus because no information besides the existence of the claim vig was given by the OP and maximus ‘thinks’ they have to know the whole rolecard or something.

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Bruh gamer moment

GamerPoke’s in this? Coulda fooled me

I mean it’s in his name so

Because after someone called out their inactivity (forgot who), they were typing something and then stopped. Showed they were lurking, and showed they refused to say anything.

Yes… I’ve been stating that you are the most likely to be lawyer currently. Twice.

Secondary thonk

@Alice please come say hi

Speaking of Kyo’s ability, I am not sure if I completely believe it.


Is Maximus’ tone scum AI for him? I have doubts.

The reason I changed this

was because of

astand what do you think of the TMI?

:man_shrugging: alrighty then. i cant exactly dispute this without claiming and thats something id like to hold out on doing

Not sold that it was TMI. He probably wouldn’t talk about it at all if he were scum. Why help town avoid claimvigs?

It’s too early for me to formulate my standard read on Maxi as of yet.