[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Th1s sh1t. r1ght h3r3.

3v3n aft3r 1 sa1d 1t was a j0k3.

ok? so assuming no redcheck then

/vote Ici for now @Geyde @eevee

It wasn’t very funny though

N31th3r 1s y0ur l1f3.

Yeah cause why are you memeing about a post restriction that is already annoying enough

Still cant be annoyed with it? Why not

Y0u app3ar3d t0 b3 ca111ng m3 scum 0ut 0f n0wh3r3. Anyway, 1 n33d t0 g0.

Fake surprise is fake. Excessive use of “?” is interesting.

You’ve made me question my entire existence with this one, single, solitary post. That roast was so solid and so effective, I am frozen in shock. In fact, I have become so in touch with my own meaningless existence that I got psychic powers and am using them to type this post out. Congratulations.


Out of no where. It was annoying as hell, and I have already stated I didnt beleive it earlier and this was icing on the cake to the aggravation. The fact if u had a post restriction, that you would limit urself even more on hippos 1 vote is really also surprising.

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I kind of am confused by what Ici’s doing with Luxy.

Ici’s association with Luxy feels weird in general, tbh. Claiming Luxy’s tone is wolfy and then straight-up doubting a claimed red check on them is odd… if they’re W/W then it means that Ici began the match by distancing himself from Luxy and then began defending them from a supposed red check. I think Ici has a stand-alone wolf equity so far but I’m not sold too much on Luxy just yet.

W311 1f y0u th1nk 1’m 1y1ng, y0u can 1ynch m3. Just s33 h0w bastard th1s gam3 1s. Anyway, away 1 w111 actua11y g0 n0w.

Speak of the Uni and he shall appear.

Man I love when players dont wanna play the game and tell people to lynch them my favorite :roll_eyes:

Everyone, silence. The legend themself is about to speak.

Don’t think Ici/Nerbins are W/W from how the former is tunneling on the latter, tbh.

Uni, come back.

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There is no red check. Astand reaction tested me with that red check.

Did they just do it again

Did anyone else see Uni typing like a second ago? It’s not my phone, right?

This makes sense, actually. If both Luxy/Ici are W/W then I can’t really see them both in the wolf team from how Ici’s interactions played out since this is a multiball game.