[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Sep 6 8:00 AM PST


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please confirm thats right, because timezones are a hassle

Who are you scumreading/townreading

idk right now man im too tired.
in fact im going to bed

My vote is on Simon.

Change it to sulit then

@astand can i win/take away hja’s pfp privs over u bc i really feel like i could do a better job than her


Maybe if psycho hosts another neutral showdown and you manage to kill me there.

/vote Icibalus

I’ll allow myself to get pocketed by Alice for the time being.


This is the only post Gamerpoke made in a long time, not impressed in the slightest.

To answer the question, why not? Do you have a problem with it?

Why ici

Jake’s case on me was crap, but he didn’t seem to realize I already backtracked on cop claim? I’d think he’d be more informed if he had access to scumchat, but I’m not sure.

@JakeTheWolfie if you already lost all your abilities, why do you continue to post in an annoying manner?

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I don’t like him.

Alice put some of it into words, and I’m lazy.

Hi, Icibalus.

Morning, everybody.

@Alice I’ll make some proper reads soon (read: this afternoon), it’s just that going back to school after several months of not having to ever do anything is really rather tiring.

If we assume Universal played super straighforwardly, Nerbins is spewed not gamer.

wait a minute did Universal seriously spew like half of the wolves?