[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Stop player fishing. This does not pertain to anything important right now. Kai_5 has already claimed that he has a Night 0 town check on me, which I believe because that is exactly the type of thing he would do if he had a choice.

i have dabbled in it in years past

Bruh Im just trying to see how experienced you are. Dont gotta be mad

it actually can help because it can pertain to what sorts of strategies or explanations you understand.
if it helps i promise you i wont read you either way for the information.

Rip. you know my secrets.

i’m actually kinda inclined to agree

if magnus pinging me 100 times to finish my pokemon cs was any indication lol


you can refer to me as Kai jsyk

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So are you informed of Guldan and would u consider him a member of one of the factions

What indication did I give that I was mad?

kai this is important please answer when you get a chance

wtf is a guldan

if i say the faction name in any way shape or form i get modkilled

but yeah in rough terms how experienced are you.
i use a lotta logic which can sometimes be weird and i want to know how to go about explaining things

I am using facts and logic, not reacting angrily.

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y’all what’s a guldan @DatBird ??

do you mean say as in communicate or say as in put-it-in-a-post
its an important distiction that i need you to make in clearly, preferably using the same words im using

put it in a post

its a character from Hearthstone

so im going to post a bunch of things, and i want you to like the post if it contains the name of a scum faction