[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Yes… I’ve been stating that you are the most likely to be lawyer currently. Twice.

Secondary thonk

@Alice please come say hi

Speaking of Kyo’s ability, I am not sure if I completely believe it.


Is Maximus’ tone scum AI for him? I have doubts.

The reason I changed this

was because of

astand what do you think of the TMI?

:man_shrugging: alrighty then. i cant exactly dispute this without claiming and thats something id like to hold out on doing

Not sold that it was TMI. He probably wouldn’t talk about it at all if he were scum. Why help town avoid claimvigs?

It’s too early for me to formulate my standard read on Maxi as of yet.

Mhmm. That’s why I’m questioning you further rather than having you claim to defend yourself. And why my vote isn’t on you. Wouldn’t want you dayvig’d if you’re not my target, lawyer or mafia.

1 Like
Accused Voters Votes
Simon BenShapiro, Kai_5 2/11
MaximusPrime Luxy, Hippolytus 2/11

Actually that’s a fair assessment.

Other alternative is Maximus is trying to get people to claim a bit of their role so they can be claimvigged but I don’t think Maximus is that ballsy.

I have not caught up that far yet, and now I need to go. I will be back later, do not hammer anyone yet.

Maxi’s play as scum is usually dependent on how much they enjoy their role.

this is why you should do wall posts, so you dont have to worry about also responding while you’re catching up

/vote Jake

Can’t read his ISO.


Whatever, I’ll set aside this until tomorrow.

Sounds like something a LAWYER would say.

Ok so got back and now 3 people I think are immune to being voted today. That’s weird.
@Universal now that ur not able to be voted I want to see some content.

Did you read the posts after the wipe?