[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Don’t think that’s distancing since I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ici shade his partners like this before. Would say probs W/V.

Luxy, Alice, you’ll confirm, right?

Where can I read this?

You mean check if you’re a gamer?

Yes I can confirm, gamers are healers and we need to protect them so if you are a gamer universal please tell us.

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Yes I am a gamer

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Oh. Well

If I die right now I’ll lose it

Well, not right NOW per say…

This was the meanest thing ever Nerbins.


I feel like I am gonna die now

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I feel dirty I’m sorry

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Did you lie about gamers being healers?

Well yes, but actually yes

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I am dead. I am so dead.

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In a normal setup it be found in the Original Post of the thread, but since this is a clown fiesta its found from more of a lot of non gamers coming out and saying they ain’t gamers

So I’ll get targeted now

That was what was called a scum test, Uni. When you ask a question with the intention of learning someone’s alignment. (As in what side they’re on)

I felt really bad the whole time, but didnt say anything cuz I was like Nerbins might actually get this. Well u did, but I still feel bad for just witnessing it

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Then you are a scum?