[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Then you are a scum?

I feel so bad right now

UNO reverse card, actually
I’m sorry Uni but
…the scum the whole time
Was you

Don’t be. For my first game it was interesting and next time I’ll get the mechanics down a bit better.

No Gamers are the evil faction this game, so u claiming it means ur _____

Wait I am a scum?

Cool so that was fun am I clear now?

OOOOO now I get it

Do you have a chat with other people?

Who is in that chat?


Yes you uni

You know that might be too far

Are you in a private topic with 3~4 other people?

No I haven’t been up to date with everything. Like I said today is my last day of summer vacation and I have been using it to prepare for school

Sorry xP

…I feel Uni’s slot would be better resolved later by either a peek or by seeing how flipped wolves interact with them, tbh.

No, it’s completely fine. School has priority.

Please simplify that for the newer players xP

I mean I think it’s pretty straightforward

Also I’m sorry for that