[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I don’t believe this was what that meant in the OP. I will recheck but I am fairly sure that part was referring to something else.

The claimvig?
Yeah, it was what that meant.

So thats how it worked

I reread it, I initially thought that part was meant only for people who bought the “Emperor’s Thong” I am mistaken.

I find reading hard with my eyes open

Judging by the opening
The claimvig is a once per day ability.
The claimvig is personal, until its holder dies, in which it becomes factional but is weakened greatly.
If you’re immune, they’ll keep their use to shoot another person with.

This is called reading and if you did it, you’d be able to deduce this too.
I find it hard to be with town that can’t read the damn opening in an ALICE CLOSED GAME

You know, we had people

This three line post is very mafia.

I’ve ran across a lot of this before. It tends to be a fake reaction “Ouhhh” and then spaced out onto another line. It’s like trying to act like you aren’t mafia who knows about it in mafia chat, so you want to act like all of this info was a surpise to you.The “fuck” at the end also signals a fake type reaction, which you just kind of throw in to seem surpised or shocked.

Bad Town =/= Always Bad Town kappa

LT was a terrible mistake

I agree, LT was a mistake.
this doesn’t excuse not reading the opening though

You’re a very arrogant and over the top player it seems. I would tone it down personally, you insulting other players is not helpful in anyway, no matter your alignment. Especially if you are town though.

Italy, why did you assume it’s N0 check and not daycheck?
You said that mafia probably have ability to counter town

So, why didn’t you assume that my check was somehow mess with? You just come to a conclusion that it is fake. Let’s me ask you this, will I really make a reaction test that is hella obvious like that? What do I get from doing it?
I know you are having a heat gaming moment here and I kind of asked you a lot but I really need to know it

I wouldn’t be like this if you just read the opening, because apparently nobody does that simple thing

I know that alice is hosting.
I actually read the goddamn opening.
Therefore I know that scum not only have mechanics that you can deduce entirely from alice’s wording, but they probably have some over the top ungodly abilities that make life a living hell

I woke up, and 8 hours of this game had already started. I planned to wake up 2 hours prior to the game and ready myself for it. I wanted to get to playing and had a lot to check up on. I made a single reading comprehension mistake during a skim of the 1000 posts. If you would like to stop assuming you know me or my actions, I would appreciate it.

Also daychecks & dayframes are things that shouldn’t exist
i’m pretty sure dayframes don’t exist

What does this mean?

Alright, how does Nuclear’s apparent lack of reading the opening affect your read on them?

I’m going to bed before I inevitably start cracking skulls.