[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Updated with my votes
Voted Marshal as i’ve interacted with them more and town read them
Solic due to the Eevee interaction would vote Pilica if something came up there both town reads
For Secretary i have little no any clue who would be best to not droping a vote there just yet

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I think you have to actually /vote ___ for ___ them

Okay here

/vote Squid for Historian

/Vote Solic for Treasurer

/Vote Marshal for President

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Hey should ask if anyone has any direct questions for me while am around ask away.

Okay, a person shouldn’t be reading 600 posts right before bed, but I still need to vote for the Treasurer and Secretary. I’m probably going to sleep right after this, but if you want to say anything to me, let me know
/vote Solic for Treasurer
/vote Eevee for Secretary

For this post I thought Universal was bringing up a good topic. He felt like splitting up the votes would just allow for more mafia to take part. Also him being scared of something being fishy because he sees several people do the same thing. Just a town POV

Here he talks about how he knows he might be doing something too much, but he still does it because he thinks it is important. Having the self awareness and still doing it usually points to a town.

I just like him trying to get more information about me as well, I am town and seeing people trying to read me is a way to get me to like them.

I don’t really like this post at all, for reasons.

I would have liked to save my check for this person, and I think the result would have interested me a lot.

…okay, legitimate question, because you’ve otherwise been acting pretty townie but this is bothering me: why do you keep bringing up the fact that you’re town? It feels super LAMIST and if you’re town you should be able to prove it by everything else you say, not by repeatedly mentioning being town.


It’s a habit I got into long ago. I have played way too much forum mafia, and it just became a thing most people expected me to do.

I don’t expect any of you to read me off of it, just old meta on different forums that follow me!

I honestly don’t like the constant shaming you’ve been throwing my way, but since I can be ‘confirmed’ in a way if I become Historian, then the check would make things much better.

By the way, why did you check Italy instead of me since you seem to be regretting that decision?

I checked Italy for the way he was acting toward Boss101, you could also say I was very annoyed with how he was insulting anyone for making a simple error. Also how he was talking about Day checks and such, it reminded me of my ability and that I wanted to use it soon.

If this was an alignment check I for sure would have used it, I talked about that earlier actually, a peek or shot on you reveals a good amount of early information to town.

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I also got to see you play before, and watching how you played then I got a feeling for the type of mafia player you might be. This is a very old memory though.

I do have the habit of looking like scum no matter what alignment unless someone knows me well enough, but I don’t want to focus on that. A peek on me is fine, but a shot would be absolutely abysmal. I can’t explain why, but if I could, I would

Is there anything else you want to ask me before I go to sleep? It’s past 1 am, so I probably need to stop typing

It’s a 48 hour game? So I don’t think you need to worry about staying up any longer. Good luck

[Marshal] Squid, Eevee, Derps, Marshal, Trustworthy (5)
[Kai] Dat (1)
[Kyo] Pilica, Shurian, Arete, hippo, Kyo, Solic (6)
[Ici] Merc (1)

[Solic] Datbird, Eevee, Marshal, Solic, Insanity, Trustworthy, Squiddo(7)
[Pilica] Pilica, Italy, Arete, Merc, Kyo? (5)

[Squid] Squid, Shurian, Datbird, Eevee, Arete, Marshal, Solic, Trustworthy (8)

[Datbird] Datbird, (1)
[Eevee] eevee, marshal, squid (3)
[Arete] Pilica, Arete (2)
[emilia] Hippo (1)
[Merc] Merc (1)
[Kai] Solic (1)

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Thanks, you too. Good night :wave:

i’m liking all top wagons besides president clearly.

which might be concerning because scum probably have like 9-10 members for influence but i also TR everyone who the stuco would be compromised of(if i’m included) so i am fine with this

You don’t like yourself?


You said you like all the wagons except president, in which you are running?