[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I plan to fire away within five minutes of my election.

pro tip: wait for people to make a village core so then you can fire hero shots into it for maximum spice

I don’t want you as President because I don’t trust you not to shoot an obvious townie for no reason!!!

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Firing villa core is banned

That’d be lovely to do that.
I’m still considering whether or not the first message in the bottle’s name tells me who I should fire at.

We’ll have a polling via the message in the bottle that I’ll rig and shoot someone in towncore and if it hits a villager I’ll blame it on the people who voted for them.
That’s a great plan.

Good luck with that with almost no KP, and everything concentrated in the lynches.


Reads or perish. :wink:

Not in Icibalus Land it isn’t


I forgot this masterpeice i made at 12 last night

Since I am a loose cannon wolves will be too scared to get themselves elected to the Student Council.
Vote for me as President.

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What timezone is Alice is?

Why are specifically three exclamation marks pinging me… aaahhh why does my brain work like this.

eastern time i beleive

nothing, not even not actually having killpower, can stop me making hero shots
also i’ll get to it, I’m trying to get a sense of the thread’s tempo

In pokemon if you get three !!!'s it generally means a good pokemon is there.
That’s all I can see from it.

Just waiting for my day action to exist

This is when you fish btw


That’s … actually a decent argument.

/vote KyoDaz for President

also /vote Squid for Historian, this is entirely gut feeling but she’s the better of the two candidates so far in my opinion


how dare you ruin glorious marxist propoganda with facts