[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

…I can also do meat cupcakes

If you think you’re a very powerful town player / are elected to leadership, I would buy protection
Otherwise, I would prioritize raising the hope counter and buying alignment cops / nightvigges.

You also was thinking for a moment to save for things so we can get all claims out safely, correct?

Yes, if we kill the first claimvig, the game becomes much less dangerous mechanically

Yeah, but someone said there is a hard limit on the item that protects people from claiming.

I thought we could all buy one

thanks maxwell, is there anything else you can recommend for early game?

Oh fuck i forgot the claimvig protection item existed

What would happen if I bought private message and sent you my whole role and you outed it (or not)

I wouldnt be claimvigable since it wouldnt be me outing it.

How wrong am I?

If you are a TI you need to get one of those as soon as possible

Entirely wrong

Claimvigs are just a vig where you need to tell the mod someomes role

not that you claim it

That’s slippery slope logic and I would say you would be claimviggable but that’s a question you should ask Alice in your classcard.

Thats abusable as hell and I doubt would be allowed as general strategy to get ALL claims out, but might be a safe bypass even for few questionable ones


Most claimvigges require to link post in question to host.

And here it would not exist.

Even screw full claims.

We can do it to safely claim invest results without claiming in itself.

I already asked and you can claim in student council chat for instance.

I don’t think so Eevee

So if I can claim in student council, I can also claim in private message most likely.

Claiming results is probably fine.

I just worry about sending roles to one another

I can confirm.

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Eevee, do you have some thoughts on who to lynch?