[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Why did you like this @Maxwell?

Okay, how about just sending roles in pm all around in circle.

Since if it wont be in main thread, it shouldnt be anticlaimable if neigborhoods are fine.

This is definetly somehow usable, I need to figure out the methode.

sorry, noob question.
how does one send a hope/despair list through pm?

I just think finding mafia with other abilities is better!



Also cast votes please.

I mean, my plan is way cheaper than yours with thongs for everyone.

Hell whisper is like 30 or 40 coins and thongs were over 100.

I’d just save coins and use all of them on Track/RB/Checks imo


ok thanks

I think there’s a decent chance it either townconfirms arete or confirms both of you are the same alignment, why else

Infirmation flow > Mechanucs imo.

Plus pms are provable.

Roleblocks ect… not really.

Does not compute.

So Emilia starts the wagon on their apparent scumbuddy, which grows really fast and then continues to tunnel him… for ???

Also the fact that you just have 5 reads… of which 3 are scum :eyes:


Do you have any other reads, why exactly do you agree with them?

Can someone do student council votecount?

I’m read that too

There was one earlier
Good plan Eevee
You only need to join the literature club now :eyes:

Mafia very likely has a ninja modifier passive on one of their members knowing Alice/Monokuma.

Can you stop fluffing if you’re actually town?