[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Correct it isn’t impossible but it is very improbable

@Marshal what does this mean?

Which means you aren’t confirmed town.
Which reduces your claims to meaningless.

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It is absolutely probable because you do NOTHING to redeem yourself!

By saying who I scumread

Yes but was your original point about me making content or helping town?

That’s not anti town

In context of game because all reads aren’t 100%

you only mentioned ici and Solic with very few reasoning and that was AGES ago. Who else do you scumread?

Both goes hand in hand. If you make content you help town. If you’re helping town YOU MAKE CONTENT.

Yes it is

that is both incorrect and doesn’t support your conclusion

How is it incorrect?! And it does?!

Not having amount of content you want is not anti town

There are people who have provided less content than me by your logic they should be first being voted

Because I have spent lot of time defending myself

And defending yourself has in void nothing to do with it being improbable

But they also have less thread presence and Posts than you. This is a Thing of proportion.

Why would that matter

You are like scumreading me for posting

I am mafreading you for Posting without delivering anything

Why are you not mafreading people who don’t post

Because they have Nothing to Judge them on??? but you have???

No you have they have lack of content or are you saying I have content you judged me on now?

I am judging you ON THE LACK OF CONTENT considering your AMOUNT of posts

Why does th amount of post matter

I’ll give it a whirl when I wake up. It’s 1 AM here. Gimme about 6 hours? +30 ish mins?

My gut feelings that I remember from reading earlier in the day are-

Merc is absolutely horrible. Just, feels WAY wrong. Like, she’s going all out. I mean, I don’t mind that, but something just gives me the shudders.
Ici is probably town. (I dont feel a strong scum agenda from him)
Hja (Emilia) is being Hja-ey
Marshal is probably town (Usually I SR him, but I hopefully found the right feeling that hit me)
Solic is probably town
Squid is null.
Kyo is Kyo and does everything. I do remember liking him though. Could be the propaganda, but it could also be the way he advertised. Im sure ill come back to that later.

Derps is being helpful and more docile this game. Its weird, it pings me, but I’m not sure whether to think it is indicative of him being town or scum because the ongoing games I’m in, he is very much different.

Italy is prolly town. Sharp contrast from usual SR, but I think I’m hitting on a meta tell and before Italy goes “Hah, no more meta tell for u”, I plan to milk this one.

I noted the newer (to the forum) players Nuclear, Universal, Lastday. I only remember Lastday as I think I saw him contribute about 5~7 hours ago? And I don’t remember bad vibes. So… Probably town?


Also, I think I do have people scum reading me based on my previous fluff (I mean, yeah I see that). Well, you’ll see that every game, like it or not :slight_smile: