[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]


1 vote

2 vote normal in RVS

2 follow vote after you basically didn’t answer reason you were voted and made a response that’s basically asking for meme vote

Like no way is this a genuine read

Solic threatening me for my second post in the thread DOES feel jumpy

But like

that’s a contradiction lol

Look, the reason why it’s bad is because it was fairly obvious the “irrelevant post” was me going back and trying to clarify my thoughts about Kyo’s post, something which I do all the time.

We don’t question that.
The fact is I am trading which means I am good in trading which means vote for me.

You’re known to fluff. :man_shrugging:

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i mean he claims there was vote trading but i want to see one of the three quote where that happened(except when arete stepped down from consideration of treasurer when daddy pilica wanted it)

I also don’t bother defending myself on this site because nobody actually listens to the arguments of the people accused, because if the argument is correct and works it probably indicates that they’re somehow still a wolf.

@Arete can I ask why you are voting for both Kyo and Pilica?

So the worse reader should be historian?

I’m on Ici’s side here

So don’t defend yourself, but go on the offensive instead.

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that was a joke.

i think squid should be as they indicated historian benefits their role and i beleive them.

I think that was a meme. But go for townreads

Why exactly? Now that feels out of nowhere.

I just read yours SMH

Oh I was about to go run for Historian xP

nod nod

Apart from the reads on you, which obviously you’ll be biased on, are there any reads you feel like are being under-discussed compared to what you’d expect? I don’t know if I phrased that in a way that makes sense.

Go for it. Convince us