[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I am aware of it.
But also I want to create active chat.

And in terms of activity and out of the box view… he wins.

And why do you Scumread them again? Because people didn’t contest my wagon for a while? NOW people are contesting it, so what does that make me?!

my mason partner gets the slot

I will not be stopped from killing hja

should say their~

Glad you agree

who is hja?

idk that feeding info sounds like that but I do agree them choosing to focus on you/Solic when most ignored was an interesting decision

That’s more interesting.


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he thinks me/italy/derps are a team


Tbh I think Squid is townier than Nuclear.
I still prefer Nuclear, cause I will get more information if they are there.

Probably both are town anyway.

He thinks this is too specific to be possible.
As the claimvig immune wishing dreaming god.

i’m not calling you one of my highest scum reads

it’s marshal and italy who i’m not keen on.

Atua, shield a believer from harm!

I’m pissed off, but geez Eevee makes a good point…

Is that what inner turmoil feels like?

And what did you find

Assuming this wasnt in response to me but correct if wrong

eevee are you just fishing for a kill here

Quite torn. Do I shoot kai, or hja?

i was responding to eevee