[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

i say hja.

kai is… an enigma

Marshal why would solic need lynch protection

Hja seems like a better shot tbh

the entire mechanical interaction just sorta came out of nowhere or planned from the early stages

it felt very scripted and i don’t think it comes from town

Definitely hjasik unless they stopped distracting everyone by now

they don’t

I didn’t think that statement through


they haven’t



Now hja, we’re gonna play a little game I call russian roulette.
Six bullets in the cylinder, you go first.

Guess that fits what you were responding to :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the case on them?

suck my dick i’m not afraid of you

If you town read squid and they benifit role wise from it why not fight for them to have it then.

Makes the most sense in my opinion in your PoV

Sorry for that Squido.

On a good side, if not enough people swap votes… you are currently winning as far as I can tell.

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Confused here.

As of kill on me or on them or on… what?

You mean that mafia will target my townreads and I shouldn’t out them?

Oh, I planned it out. Kinda obvious since I knew of my own passive.
Marshal took the bait.

and i would still be fine with a squid histo.

but rehab i think is better for the spot

either I haven’t been running into many wolves or I’m misreading people because I’ve been mostly finding stuff towny so far :confused:

I’m with hippo here

Not seeing any reason to vote Nuclear for SC

Putting someone in SC just to end them