[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Mind telling me how you got to this conclusion? There must be some thought process going on behind that.

Since it was Solic vs Me and Solic sounds more confident and less of a stubborn brat people just overlook it and think that gg Solic should be right
It disgusts me.

25% scum ussaly in a mash

Think this is for most games in general.

because discourse has its pros and cons

Why does it keep removing my quotes wtf

Merc’s claiming stubborn brat. Must be innocent child reee

I really rather Solic answer this then someone else covering for him… >_>

Anyway I townread Limestone for this even if some reasoning for the reads imo are a bit wonky
Insanity had a very different position
Limestone isn’t pushing agenda as they have a more why playstyle

I would expect a scumread on Solic to be more tonal and aggressive at first if it was pushing for agenda

Hell yeah

I’ve found my real mason. Nuclear and Derps failed to accept in time and now missed their opportunity XD

I cant read Merc
I like and dislike her
Someone help

Yes you

Do you like romance novels?

Because I survived an unstoppable desperado dayvig.
Which would only be possible if i’m immune to town attacks entirely
Which would not be an ability evils have

I just realised what you’re alluding to

Terry Pratchett is the author of Discworld

It is something I did waaay earlier when fluffposting
Secondary objective in this game for me rn is to fluffly get all Doki Doki members

I don’t read as many books as I probably should

I thought it was some philosopher

But do you like them?