[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Oh right, also my dayvig is literally unstoppable as it has no specified killing type

Because unlike me, you can be killed by town.

Italy can you please stop reminding us every second that you are a big tough guy with machine gun



Okay fine, but only after I actually say that.
I am a big tough guy with a machine gun
okay i’ll stop now


I am saying this because it’s like you wanted to be a center of attention or something which I don’t think is a really good idea

Actually we should legit do this to emulate slank vigs

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No te una ustedes a el clube de la literatura
Somiente cidadaños de bien poden hacier-lo

Slankvigging isn’t part of my arsenal sorry

@Limestone can you make your profile public so we can ISO easier?

I’m already preparing myself to be gladiated tomorrow because of sheep



Has @Lastday3312 actually done anything

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Thanks :wink:

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See @eevee :thinking:

Oh yes agree

Finding orange’s realtime engagement towny so far. Feels like he’s poking around at people not being looked at in a way that gets more conversation started and stuff.

Definitely helped that he gave my case the thumbs up :laughing:

You know, that’s not that stupid.