[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

At least, that’s what I’m assuming…?

Yeah, pretty much.

I think both of my messages came from town. I don’t see mafia wasting the coins or giving me said messages so I like where my reads are at

You got 2 messages too?

I was claimed to, but was asked not to share any details.

Why do you believe that I am?

If needed I can claim VIA message to Marshal
Would much rather save for the anti claim immunity as I littrrly can’t use my role without it

Same tho.

It was something you had said to me yesterday, I think there’s a decent chance you are exactly a mafia killing role. I can solve for that tonight

Town should stop buying messages

Trustworthy, you can use message to claim.

Messages are not antilciam targetable.
And if someone else outs your role it’s not anticlaimable as well.

I really want town to only use messages if I’m danger of dying.

If in case of danger not Im

^ Yeah, pretty much that.

There are information generating items there, altho making some stuff public this way is way better than if done directly.

Like Italy would be alive if they messaged for example me and asked to claim for them.
(if it was claimvig what killed them that is)

I do wonder why this person sent me a message, and if somehow a mafia role is allowed to send multiple day messages. It could be some kind of trick but for today I will listen

Okay, readjustment back to plan before, since Italy died.

“townlean it somewhat” does not equal “townread” and I stand by it being a lean for now actually, because I don’t remember her doing much worthwhile after her entrance.

For context, Kyo has killed me with killpower in Short Fuse 4 on this site where I had the scumteam on lockdown and was consensus townread. I actually vote him later for President though, because Marshal did something fishy.

If the host doesn’t do it. :man_shrugging:

/vote Marshal for President

/vote Nuclear for Treasurer

/vote Squid for Historian

/vote eevee for Secretary

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Okay I understand if you are investigating me tonight that’s fine btw but there is no point otherwise cause I self resolve as stuff continues if I have a perfect targeting for stuff.

That should make sense not going any more into detail

Probably no.