[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I am fine with Treasurer or Historian. If you wanted to stick with having me do that

Would like to know wanna have my votes updated before I sleep.

Incase I sleep in tommorow

I mean, I still believe Squid is town and if they benefit from being historian, then be it.

I kicked them out of the list for ~meh activity, not becouse I thought they are evil.

And since there is free spot after italy death… welcome back Squid.

Okay got it am good with this

/vote Marshal for President

/vote Nuclear for Treasurer

/vote Squid for Historian

/vote eevee for Secretary

Ping me please if you need me for something am gonna take a 5 hour nap.

/vote orange for lynch

I’m very confused at this shot. Why would they shoot them if they were prime mislynch bait and it would apparently confirm Marshal/Derps?

Instead of someone random like Shurian if they could.

This either means Shurian is likely mafia or that confirmation triangle doesn’t entirely hold up, but I’m going to have to reread that bit for which I have no time, because work…

Also I just realized that the flashwagon on Ici contained Marshal + Derps, which are claimed masons, so that lessens the possibility that it’s scumdriven even more.

/vote Icibalus

/vote Marshal for president

I think Arete should also be in student council by the way. The thing he did would be quite +EV for town.

Why this vote? I’m on board with it though.

Also welcome back to username eevee. finally

I also notice you’ve been phasing me out of Treasurer position. Is it because I’ve questioned you? :eyes:

Was he gonna pull memesky

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You need to realize mafia must be sure on their claimvig, they can’t be using it randomly because most people are probably lying

Heading off to work now, will try to make it in time before EoD. Still need to catchup on like 700 posts too, so won’t be able to read much of it, so ping me if you want something answered before EoD.

The last game Alice/Monokuma had anticlaiming it was omniscient and you could try an infinite number of times.

Search Looming Threat on this site.

They might have learned from that since it was disliked, but it’s worth noting.

Cause they were against Marshal as president.

/vote Marshal for president

mechanically confirmed town now :wink:

(not me, him)

/vote SirDerpsAlot for Historian also think this is a better vote now.

What is it with Alice and giving vengeful to Memesky types… That is an exaggeration but still.


Did I ever object to Marshal as president?


Okay this is a blatant strawman

No I am

you can try but I have faith the people will make me Secretary