[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I have the exact opposite gut feeling

More likely scum!solic and t!eevee imo

Although I can’t read eevee for shit

But I like the word weevee a lot

What if he is fpsing about fpsing

And see what lmao

But he never claimed it was FPS

But he knows people will assume it is

Then maybe he should re-evaluate his play in general :stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t.

But I realized there’s someone in this game actually called Eevee as well.
The one I’m questioning is the one with the Eevee avatar. “Bad username” something.

But maybe we’re still talking about the same person?

It’s @eevee yes

Yeah no that’s not who I’m talking about.

The one saying Solic was town was someone else with an Eevee avatar. Or am I misremembering?

I dislike Solic for several reasons don’t get me wrong, but that’s why we are electing me over him. It was probably take but who cares

If I remember rightly eevee’s name got turned into This_NIckname_Sucks due to Wacky Circumstances™, which may be the source of the confusion. His name’s fine now.

This_username_sucks I think was the name

Wait what.

Holy shit this game is hard to follow.

Thank goodness he followed up on this at all

(He didn’t)

It’s @eevee

It dosen’t have anyhing to do with the game. Basically, he lost a bet and had to change his name using mod powers, but in the moment he was This_Nickname_Sucks, somebody else took the nickname of eevee, and thus he got stuck using the wrong name.

Yes, I get that now.


Why is this all you comment on in this interaction