[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

The building

To me even lol.

It was so you wouldn’t think I was only sheeping you.

I’m not a big fan or Marshal, Sir Derps, or Italy who all self confirmed each other. It felt forced imo

Italy is dead and flipped town

ok junko.

Italy is dead fam. He was town.

/vote Maxwell

I have something with Merc, and I rather not have her get lynched, Imma have to vote Maxwell.

Its hope peaks academy

And it just so happens to be those two again. Idk I feel like that’s a huge coincidence

Is that a friggin townslip

And in that case only you mattered since others were not playing the setup

Hang on, I just noticed Pilica unvoted me. @Pilica you said you’d vote me if I voted you :frowning:

Like I said.

Ok Junko.

I need vote for My ability

Wait Italy died

Hey Dat and Wazza, vote me for Secretary

I missed about 1000 posts

Guys do some voting shit because wagons are tied

/vote Arete secretary

no one wanted me