[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Atua, grant me the power to buy drugs from the school store


What reason do you have to believe that Kai is scum then?

I only tell za truth

i mean im right here with weed

Given that one of you two is getting lynched, why should I believe that you’re more likely to be town than Kai?

I never said I have

Surely theres literally 0 way we ever hang Kai here, it was dumb of him to do but imma just assume Emilia is dead, forget about the gladiate and focus on the normal lynch lol.


Can you plant it in the school store?

Because I am posting
And I caught scum

I am alive look at playar list

come over to baton rouge, id love to hang out with you irl fun fact but thats not happening with my schedule which is rip

Let’s just ignore Emilia.


@eevee why should @eevee die?

/vote Emilia for Argument Armament

I have to choose one of them and the rest of the SC brought up some decent points about her

plus the Italy kill implicates her

If you don’t think Kai is town, then the only left is that he’s scum. There are no Neuts in this game, so you have to pick between the two

What are those points

He is null read for me

No it doesnt

You will all be rolled out by overwhelming power of my meta

Hja you are being executed please stop warping the thread around yoh

I am trying to bring sense into people here