[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Why did you use it on LastDay, aren’t jailkeeps normally used on townreads?

What does this mean

It’s an English phrase, ‘the pot calling the kettle black’

basically criticizing someone for a trait you have as well

How am I lowering towns chances to win?

Vote them nerd.

you know what? sure.

/vote limestone

@Arete tell everyone nerd

Because I’m commenting random shit until I go to my computer for playing lok

I’m okay with seeing where this goes

It means that your “I’m locktown” spam defense based on self-preservation as opposed to scumhunting is equally detrimental as it clogs the thread and lowers WiM up to the point that people just want to lynch you regardless of alignment.

I think you’re both town tbh.

Also is Astand a player?

I assume you mean ‘tell them about the thing we were discussing in SC chat’?


not the thing about my toes

the thing about the votes

Because locking your slot as town when town is 1 of the most important parts?

And look how well that turned out.

Well I didn’t expect ppl to act this irrational

Plus this worked all other games

that is why i love hja

The wagon on Nuclear (from me, Marshal, and Squid) was largely a reactiontest that we planned in SC chat. Essentially, we wanted to see how Nuclear and the thread would react to a serious push on him.

We think that overall Nuclear’s reaction was wolfy. Rather than addressing the reasons people might have to scumread them, they mostly started an OMGUS-push on the three of us, despite Marshal being basically an IC and despite TRing me and Marshal before (when I at least was townreading them).

Additionally, if we’re right about Nuclear, we think that Hippo has decent wolfpair equity with them based on his weird light shade of them while simultaneously chainsawing their accusers; I don’t want to build too much from preflips so I’ll hold off on explaining the rest of that.


it is like Margaret but Lawful