[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

If I post my role does mafia claimvig me?

I see no world where all three of them are scum

Only possibility for me is Squid and even that feels like a stretch tbh


if you are lucky

quote it plsss reaperinooo

I am still alive so dunno

I do have a redcheck on Pilica though

Nuclear, just step away from the thread for a bit. You’re seeing red and anyone who dares accuse you is scum pushing agenda to you. It’s not going to progress the thread forward if you’re going to shade mechanically confirmed town.

I did… look at my posts.

Hell no, if people are going to be rude to me I am just going to troll

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quote the quotepostttt

juuuuuuust cut the crap and claim whatever you have

me irl

It’s not like you’ve been a saint either. Let’s cool that situation down on both ends.

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I tried to find mafia, damn I’m so sorry

They do too.

Anyways let’s focus on people like Wazza/Luxy/Pilica/ici

Fairly likely mafia reside there

wait do you have redcheck on squid or pili

Not Pilica, the rest I’m fine with, although I’d rather focus on Lime/Orange atm.

Literally what