[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

you arent my fucking therapist jeez

I did and I also did pull that in every town game I had before I think you remember Cursed images cuz this is almost same situation

I wasnt active in same sense (engagement with thread) and I was defending myself much less and I really wasnt that active post wise compared to my other town games( ofc compared to all other players activity it is still atctive)

I disagree there is clearly difference in how much I engage in my town and scum games because I cant keep same lvl as scum I usually can keep same lvl of engagement for very short period of time if you check GI rn you can notice that there is huge gaps between me actively posting

I think it will be extremely easy if one is odd and the other even will will have a 90% proven in my opinion.

I don’t think pushing it down is beneficial


yeah but ur a great friend

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The advice is both sound and well-meant

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I did something of that sort.

Mind sharing?

Shurian is town



yea yea i know

i go to my therapist for advice with issues

i also tend to yell about them to shitty people online because it feels nice to release it


ye you got me there how could I not have thought of that

I’m going to say this as a college student who’s planning on working in the medical field. Don’t drink for stress relief

Anyway, you’re still a good person


Because claimvig is a thing and I don’t think I need it now that I’m able to respond on computer and not in a rushed look at my phone during work.

I don’t like this idea of claiming “woah guys I can confirm myself don’t vote me” and then choosing to not share until you get voted again

Way to waste our time


Choose someone else

if you wanna drink do it to spite your parents

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can you explain why you think he is town

I have mechanical information tm