[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Ok boomer

Merc can you not see why people scumread you for this

i mean merc is a dead man/woman walking
apparently they are banned from store and bleeding out

Did Pilica do that?

I mean, unless you can’t track items, it’s correct (?)

I bought 1-shot voyeur and used it on Squid to be smart.
(You know, people who visit them were meant to be announced)

That’s how I know you didn’t visit Squid.

@pilica are you an idiot.

yessir i came up with the idea tho

blame me dad

I’m assuming PKR’s death changes that?

My focking God I’m the person who sent the gossip at SoD.


honestly i would have a healer on merc tonight


Regardless, I got no result so I assume noone visited Squid except me.

Wait but you spell neighbor with a u?

Remember you still have doctor to heal you :eyes:

Why do that on a public announcement

How do you visit someone?

50% chance of doing either spelling

Why did you have such a bad read on Geyde btw?

Wait mixed up what voyeur is