[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]


idfk. Not even everyone has checked in. But given the chaos I’d say mostly town is Posting and no wolf is really leading the town somewhere.

You said you were pretty sure there is at least 1 wolf there

Why do you think it is a bad read?

And I still am. Subjectivity is implied.

Interesting that prior, you were scumreading all those slots.

Italy’s thoughts of D1: Calm, people just being normal, Nobody dead, nobody dying. Everything is okay
Everyone else’s thoughts of D1: F%20i%20r%20e

You do know that we were talking about quote that explains why I think so right

‘I have come!’

Tell me who to vote and I will do so :stuck_out_tongue:

Vote me as President.

Why your post was literally asking for votes

Fairly sure that Pilica and Ici aren’t on the same team or I don’t think they would try to sell such a polarizing narrative.

i think read the thread and vote for lynch on who you think is scum and student council for who you think is town.

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Vote me as Treasurer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Italy for President

When I said “vote me coward”? That’s what we call in the trade… a joke? Or more accurately, an attempt to satirise Kyo for his attidue towards voting and make him reconsider his play.

…and me as president

No when you said that only 2 people are scumreading me what I gotta do

You aren’t a functional analphabet

It was a joke. As I explained, I thought the wagon would go away and was somehow a reaction test or pressure wagon, and was continuing my joke about your eternal overconfidence whenever you’re wagonning somebody.