[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]


He dead

Say solic in Japanese in your mind


Do not defend such trespasses upon the sacred law of Polar Bears. Protected by the Coca Cola and Pepsi brands

Capitalism is a sin

Yeah nope sorry not an attack

You’re a sin

Can’t deny that

so nazbol gang

Also the amount of attention not being given to @Lastday3312 is way too high

Universal do you want to be my cos so together squared we can be one? :smile:

Low-hanging fruit?


But none? Really?

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I’ll be arcsin

#Capitalism #CommunismIsFromSatan

/remove capitalism

Alright, have fun with Soviet Russia as Murica reigns supreme cuz Murica

We remove both soviet and Murcia

Have fun with China then

Oh f I forgot about them