[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Limestone seemed to be really trying to accomplish things but zi need to reread them to see if that suddenly died D2, Solic was cherrypicking, or I was giving them too much credit

im switching tabs from this and brooklyn 99 during ads

I don’t like metareads but he and I go way back and from my interactions with him I’m really feeling like he’s town

Plus him scumreading me post-PKR’s death is very natural

Plus I think I may have caught some info that mechclears him, although that was admittedly not what got him so high on my list

i suggest looking at the motivation that town orange and scum orange have from posting these lists.

@orangeandblack5 if u had a heroshot vig given to u right now, who would ya shoot


himeslf clearly.

you never want to be an accidental deepwolf who read your classcard wrong

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If I’m not being scared sbout it nuclear

See the problem here is this is not a bad shot imo, and even though im sring you to hell and back rn i cant hate this answer

nah hes 100% lhf im calling it now

@DatBird now that I’m done with that why don’t you reciprocate some info

on what a hope despair list or a gun to head vig shot

cause 1 will take a bit cause i forgot to do it during n1 and two would be u right now. My gut says it has to be you, that or VCFM fears are rising


well u have the one I can make a HD list soon

I don’t feel like I’m doing things even remotely closely

I went in p deep that game which is unnatural even for me

But I guess my town mashes are historically “call all the scum D1” half the time so

Town Orange wants to exhibit his thought process to be easier to read, and/or to help other people sort out reads

Scum Orange wants to look like he’s doing the same, and maybe shift the thread in a favorable direction

With that being said unless a whole bunch of Orange’s hope list flips scum these lists feel way more like the first thing than the second, I don’t know why Orange isn’t putting the mechconfirmed people at the top but if he were scum it would be super easy to do that and add a couple obvious townies

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If it makes you feel better this game feels very similar to AAFM to me

FEFM and VCFM were both very different for a bunch of reasons

Can you explain like I joined in June what this means in practical terms?

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There’s on the list but not at the top

Why is people voting Nuclear what the heck

Anyways I disagree with almost all of Orange’s conclusions but the thought process feels natural to me (although L3 paranoia is real)

I do still want to hear more about his LastDay read, and what made them in particular stick out