[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

you can ask derps. or anyone from stuco as i said it there too

Ok good to know, bring this up more often, cause it will get lost. I will try to spread the word by eod so someone sees it

Me still not convinced thoroughly.

But me watch you.

i mean im confirmed town via italy’s passive + flip

With Italy being flipped town I don’t think there’s really a way for Marshal to be fake

Italy had an ability that gave him a dayvig when he was attacked by town, Marshal vigged him and Italy got a dayvig

I should have told the neighborizer to write in “[scummy person] is an innocent child!”
That would be fun

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False,Orange pushed me first.

Second,I think emilia is scum after he follows orange’s scum read on me,I am still town reading orange as an aggressive town.

No,i think.Atleast i don’t know what is that.

My basis is that scum can fake claim bleed to lure bleed away as well. I mean, I believe that since this is “low-kp”, theres like at most 1 town healer, and its lol death city after that

I should prob vote
/vote OrangeandBlack5 for Non Stop Debate
/vote Emilia for Argument Armament Debate
@astand @Alice

Well Scum is just dumb then.

I take it all back cuz Italy has no reason to lie unless the flip was tainted

Nani desu

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This post

okay ur tinfoils are great but i’m conf town and can’t afford bleed heal because i spent my monocoins on a bottle message yesterday

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Also emilia just votes me when i am at scrum debate.


My gutread says that he is town :wink:

Well gg Emilia
“I didnt expect people to be irrational”
Biggest joke of the year

and my read says hes scum


Didn’t you claim healer-but-specifically-for-SC or am I misremembering?