[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Oh boy this is a high level softing technique in relation to character?

stuff breaks
people die
eggs get broken to make an omlette
no biggie

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Beer bottle breaks

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dad no

he left for milk a long time ago

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Okay we’ll spiral into meme status if we keep this up lets point it back
Where the fish were we
On lastday?



I dont even remember Lastday existing >_< I just skipped past everything in the first 2k posts.

Curse you and your twisted imagination Kai

i can make more jokes like that
but i’m not in the mood

Can’t all flipped cards except one kill?

It is and been trying as far as am going with this in public until i acquire that juice anti claim immunity

O man,what i think then was probably most student coucil’s student is good(i had the hope list on all student’s coucil’s higest vote menbers.

Well,what i think now is actually pretty different…

What, that’s a lie.
When Italy died I instantly put Squid back in.

Obviously confirmed person is better than ~rand, but I never tried to keep Squid far from SC.

Squid was one of my townreads whole day 1.


Whats with the wagon on Lastday o.o

i did fluff on d1 and everyone say my post is useless…


He feels exactly like me when I was in D1


hey hey
only i called your post on eevee useless

Psst here have a secret technique
You should put pron mags inside their rooms and then lock their doors so they dont come out of their rooms