[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

how do i use it tho…PM with monokuma or say it here?

This isn’t an answer to my question, it’s shade disguised as an answer


and you can’t answer my question because the argument you’re making doesn’t make sense

Cause Im in the debate?

It makes sense actually

That’s not a read or a push

Uhm… you guys know that Scrum debate is random from all the Players?

I’m glad Arete outed himself lol

Yeah, but check makes sense.

Unless it was nigt and not day check?

Did you just insta omgus on that

You’re still avoiding my questions

Which check are you Talking about rn?

The buying check.

If it was today it makes sense becouse Im im debatr.

Good :thinking:

It was yesterday during the day.

Arete: ‘your argument makes no sense for these reasons’

Nuclear: ‘what if … I completely ignore those reasons’

I’ve played with council elected games. All of them had roles that abused the mechanics for mafia.

Good luck


Could it be that I just didnt buy an item yet?

I kinda doubt it, cause I bought it few hours befire EoD, but… when exactly did you check it?


literally control + F this page for the phrase ‘royal blood’

and also answer my questions rather than continuing to dodge them

Nuclear, you are doing terrible job when defending me.


Why are yall bothering to discuss mechanics in the first place
Mechs never go anywhere
Zis is closed role list