[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Oh god you didn’t

Exactly what I was thinking.

Is this a SC thing?


Maybe that or because of the monomonomachine. After all PKR asked what character would be in charge of the Monomonomachine. And since he already claimed being Miu it could’ve very well be the ultimate Inventor. After all… the Monomonomachine is a rather easy way to try and get for example vig shots + keeping town from getting less expensive checks or killtype immunity. So Maybe he was killed for potentially being in charge of the machine? That… would be one way I could see him being the NK.

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wtf… and was she eventually self-resolving or just a bluff?

Caught up

I was right

You haven’t

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LMAO I see it

@Nuclear_Rehab what is your stance on Jesters

Oh please

As if it’s ever that cut-and-dried


Come to think of it

How the fuck does host forget the wolf factional

For that alone I’m starting to second-guess that idea

I was reading about DR and omg K1-B0 is my new husbando

Wait yes he did

I’m awake

I definitely remember Solic saying he was confirmable overnight but if he’d had a Masonizer outright fail and was still alive then he probably would have claimed it

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He probably did mason someone lmao


I skimmed his EoD and he didn’t crumb it at all, is the problem

and if that’s what happened why didn’t he mention it at SoD??

I can’t find any hint as to who he targetted tho which is just great.

He seems to think he will survive though so I doubt he targetted a strong scumread of his or he would have softed it stronger. Wouldn’t be surprised if he targetted a council member or someone who would speak up and conirm he’s town.

Actually wait why wouldn’t Solic say something today if he didn’t know he was dead and wasn’t in a neighbourhood lol.

That’s kinda angleshootey tho. It’s quite hard to talk about how Solic died without going to angleshoot territory tbh.

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also /vote Nuclear since apparently I was still on Squid

Oh god I’ve made a mistake im gonna be on a cruise for the next 7 days with no internet

I’ve asked Alice for a replacement but its unlikely so I’ll be inactive