[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

I got ur message waz

Atua, let the forces of despair overwhelm the forces of hope with sheer despair!
if you want proof my abilities do jackshit

My what?

I was told I received message from you

Interesting and everything but I didn’t read Italy’s flip.

It contains your claim

think about it, its something revolving discussion, it’s something i would see in alice’s setup range

also how is this less believable than a wishing anti-claim immune dreaming

Italy had a passive that gave him a dayvig when townies tried to kill him (and let him survive)

Marshal tried to kill him and Italy received a dayvig

Hope feels awesome.
Shrugs in shrug.


it’s not. everyone knew the wishing anticlaim dreaming was BS.

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i was trying to make something so ridiculous that it was too ridiculous to be fake


@Marshal. How in any way does this confirm you?

I used a TK ability on italy (shot that hada 50/50 chance of being desperado or dayvig) and it didn’t kill them and they were told they got a dayvig

Eh, alright. I’ll believe it.

I talked about it earlier, but I think Ici and Wazza are very close to lock scum

I’m asking this a second time.

Why? Why am I close to lock-scum? You haven’t explained a thing.

No earlier u said they were scum and when asked why dodged the question

Ici was faking reads this morning to pocket people in the SC, and to have an excuse to vote me.

I quoted his reads of late d1, and how he was town reading me and disagreeing with SC candidates among other things.

At the beginning of this day before interacting with me or anyone else he had made a comment about ho I was mafia and how he never had a read of me so “this lynch is fine.”

That’s false, and he was one of the bigger defenders of me when I got pressure d1.

His flip on the people in the SC is also very suspicous, none of his reads are with anybackbone, it’s just what suites him at the time he needs. Him straight up lying is ridiculous.

Which reads feel faked?

I don’t give a damn about your read on Ici.

I care about the read on me, because as everybody knows, I despise rando-reads on me, especially un-explained ones.