[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Yeah, I wanted him to feel bad for ignoring my Ici read and calling me bad all day

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It affects how much weight I assign to your arguments that you’re town (same as it would for anyone else, yes)

Maybe but to me they were so obviously half-arsed and fake, i just feel like scum! nuclear would have tried harder with them and just tried harder in general tbh.

Thanks for clearing that up.

We could vote lastday still weren’t we close to killing him yesterday? What happened with that?

I’ve lied about most of my mechanics, I do this a lot but it’s something I love to do for reactions.

I do have a action tester though. I used it on Italy and then I defended the dude with my life.
It’s the one proven thing you can look up in this game. I used it to help out town and tried to get him cleared for it because I believed he was being genuine arguing with Boss101. I would recommend you read it to read me better.

Simple hes playing similiar to how I feel other LHF play. If he was scum wouldnt his mates tell him to stop. It’s to much attention to be gathering for a wolf

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What is everyones thoughts on BlackandOrange5?

See I used to think that was how it worked but then I had a string of games where someone did something similarly blatantly attention-grabbing as W and I initially assumed they couldn’t be

at least I figured it out with Kitsune

I’m glad I’ve trolled a lot of this game because if people knew I have played mafia for 5 years and I am a fairly good player, they’d insta lynch me for how I’ve played

He’s felt townie to me with the caveat that reading L3 players is hard

Can you explain your motivation behind intentionally trolling?


I haven’t played in a very long time and wanted to have fun. I have issues with toxicty and didn’t want to take it too seriously because I’ve had issues with that in the past. I got really tilted IRL and I fell into the trap of being toxic

Can someone walk me through the case on Lastday? I’ve seen their name tossed around a few times but they’re still in the Basically Indistinguishable Lowposter category for me and I’m not sure what’s made them stand out

also most of their posts make no sense to me but I think some of that might be a language-barrier thing

see the problem is they have 123 posts, but like no content, and a majority of day 1 was fluff, and day 2 was only on eevee and nothing else

I am in a weird dilemma, I think Arete could be scum for a couple posts I cam across, but they are doing more solving and at least being seemingly trying to read me. Then the confirmed town MArshal is being asinine and not even attempting to read me while ignoring all of my game solving

I just feel like I’m in an impossible game state as town

Someone made a read on DatBird that I agreed with pretty heavily too, something along the lines of him backpacking everything

well remember they have four to eight votes and theres 30 other people you can sway

And why do you beleive this is right?