[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

his initial reaction to the pressure on him was horrible – like, you can say the later stuff is just emotion/TWTBAW/etc. but the initial thing, where the SC pushed him as a reactiontest and he immediately decided we were all wolves for no apparent reason (and even though Marshal is mechconfirmed town) was really bad, and overall I feel like a lot of his reads in general and on me in particular have been townreading people when they townread him, and scumreading people when they scumread him, without looking at the reasons or motivation behind it

I’m also more generally failing to see town motivation in a lot of the random things he’s done, not sure if you want an itemized list or not

randomness keeps scum on toes. if they don’t know what to expect they are more prone to mistakes and not going for big plays to get MLs and buddies cleared

Arete why are you ignoring the things that make me almost confirmed town?

I don’t see what makes you “almost confirmed town”

Nothing you’ve done is something that scum couldn’t do

I don’t know how to feel about SC because they don’t want to bring up the Italy thing, or how Eevee and I handled d1.

OR today how I outed Ici.

I’ve done things but thwy never get brought up, only the scummy things, which in their defense I did do non towny things.


I know you guys don’t know Ici’s flip, or Wazza, but I think they spewed me town from my POV, and I really want them to flip :frowning:

I don’t see how the Italy thing makes you confirmed

you faked (IIRC?) a killer check on Italy

scum and town can both fake checks and in particular your fake check mostly just led to him claiming

also I townread Ici, obviously if he were to flip scum that would affect my read on your slot but I’m not expecting him to

fuck it
/vote Ici
i’m down to see where this rabbit hole leads

Did u ever explain the Wazza one?

Nope, he didn’t.

I didn’t fake a killer check, that’s the point.

I had a check on him, and I rescinded it so the mafia don’t know he’s actually a killer role. I found Italy town and felt bad for outing his role. I knew town and mafia would push Italy for lynch if I didn’t say it was fake.


The problem is that I’ve never played with you before so I don’t know your meta and you could just lie about it if you’re scum

also being aware of your meta means that meta-reads are moderately less valid

Doesn’t this apply to everyone tho? I dunno, I think his AtE is something a scum wouldn’t do. Doesn’t mean he’s clear town, but I lean that way again now.

It’s not about meta Arete. I rescind real information because I was worried my town killer would die if I held it. It’s the fact I literally tried saving the life of him when no one else did. It’s just about the action not sure what meta non sense you’re ttying to use to discredit me

My point with the meta thing is that just because you say you wouldn’t do something as mafia, doesn’t mean you actually wouldn’t do it, and I have no way of knowing whether you would or not since I’ve never seen you play before

Okay I get that

But this isn’t about whether or not I’d do it as mafia

Do you think what I did is good for town? People have been saying I’m anti town and should die for being anti town. Even though I tried saving the life of an important player

I mean it ended up with Italy being dayvigged and I personally think that’s a bad outcome

so no


Are you even reading wtf I did

I don’t even understand how you get “I made h get dayvigged” out of what I said

Italy got dayvigged because your SC partner Marshal did what he did.

Good God