[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

It didn’t even have quotes on it!!

Arete, why aren’t you voting anyone?

Because I’m multitabling like hell and low-key forgot I hadn’t cast a vote :eyes:

I’ve read all the posts but give me a couple minutes to go back and double-check some things

/vote SirDerpsAlot for the lynch

Lacking content that actually gives alignment.
The most prominent thing you’ve done is lied about a neighborhood chat and I still don’t have a reason why you decided to claim that.

Would you vote her with me?

Yet proceeds to drop every willpower to become President.
The point I referred to before that scum would like to seem they want President but don’t actually want it is why I believe this is scummy.

I’m just being honest
I have made a toneread in Solic earlier in the game, his reaction was absolutely aggressive and he is now tunneling me.

With fallacies. You see.

Mercenary, what is your opinion on Derps?

Show the fallacies Merc. Do it. I dare you.

I have accused him of using fallacies 5 times and he never said that he wasn’t using fallacies.
Therefore he knows that he is doing that.

Just look at my earlier quotes
You have been ignoring.

That’s a copout.

What have I been ignoring?

I’m not using fallacies… there ya go!

This is a terrible argument.

I think he is scum because of the Ici vote and the totally useless neighborhood claim
I detected it was to bait a neighbourizer out and tunneled it to pieces before a neighbourizer outed

Tell me why you’re locktowning Ici from a threadstate read when you’ve admitted you didn’t even read the thread then.

“where are they”
“I already showed you”
“no you did not u wolf”

I usually jump in the thread to give a quick opinion then develop on it later.
I thought Ici was town from that sole post.
Then the people in his wagon said it was not made on basis of a meme
Then I scanned some posts and saw that no one was really debating reads
Then I went to where his wagon started and for which reasons. The reasons were lackluster.

It is for that motives that Ici went from vacilant whatever townread to locktown.


I Implore everyone to ISO Mercenary and see that she’s flat out lying here.