[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Marshal exploding is something that’s natural. Anyone going through the same issues as you would explode and that’s ok. May have not been the best reaction but mate we ain’t perfect. Don’t quit because this world only likes black and white and you happen to be rainbow colored. People trust you enough to be SC Pres dude, that or you are a master manipulator I don’t know. But you can get through this. We all have been for how many years we have been on this world. Give yourself a break, treat yourself once in awhile. Don’t let up just because you are going through a small storm in a massive planet. You got this


also is it just me or is toxicity thrown around when people really aren’t being toxic

it’s prob just me ig

Do be like that
But I’m more sensitive to outbursts so

damnit universal you are a treasure of this forum


Do need to take into account different people and their cultural differences.

Anyway, we do really have to get back into the game. I suggest yall cool down first before moving onwards.

Major note: I may not be entirely in context.

Shurian, I have worked with college students who are cocky af. I have also experienced very bad toxicity. Ask Luxy, or don’t. I don’t know how he will react. But he does know a bit of the toxicity that went on back in the day and still goes on today. I also have talked to criminals and people who are pure evil, true scum. You don’t realize how good you have it until you are exposed to the other side. This forum is very controlled compared to the communities and programs that exposed me to very twisted people.

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That’s good to know. I havent been exposed to such an environment yet. That’s good and bad in a way.

This may be out of game discussion, but how twisted? In games? Or in general forum?


This is probably because I have been blessed and lucky. The people I’ve been with have always supported me in everything I have done, and guided me closely. I fear I am becoming a strawberry though, but I am at the point where I “trust first” instead of doubting people first

Also I will XD
Just need to PM him somewhere

I meant in terms of the programs I have been in. I originally wished to be a criminal investigator, then someone who specialized in cyber security. For criminal investigator I attended classes at University for crime scene investigation. I have seen crime scenes that involved people of all races, all walks of life. Some too old, some too damn young. And seeing people who caused those places that shouldn’t be tainted with any type of evil along with their responses to questions is beyond both terrifying and filled me with a lot of bad emotions.
I also have talked to people online before, and have met VERY bad people who do horrible things to kids. I won’t go much into detail but trust me, this is nowhere as toxic or evil as anything out there.

Thanks for the clarification.
And for being a cyber security student in tertiary education (before university), that doesnt give me a lot of hope XD

And… I see.
You’ve seen the real dark side of the web… and people.

I’m still young, and I’m still going by “I’ll cross the bridge when I come to it” mentality. So maybe I’ll get there? Maybe I’ll leave the net before that happens? I dunno

I am lucky to be in a school that offers many opportunities. I am thankful for everyone who has helped me get to the positions I am in. Frankly I don’t believe what I have achieved so far is anything great. You would most definitely have performed better than me had you been given the same options. Don’t downplay yourself.

And sometimes I feel like some of the things people should never experience. I hope you don’t experience any of the real bad tragedies that I have seen happen to people.


Well part of the reason i was so upset is because there was a scare that my cat might have cancer… again.

it turned out not to be the case but we were really worried and i guess i was just upset.

I know it doesn’t seem big but he’s literally the best thing ever so i would be very ripped apart

Can we please… go back to discussion about the game?.. I’m getting really stressed out because… well… I don’t want to talk about it

ok nerds geyde bad discuss

I have had pets before and know the feeling of considering them like family. I have met people who only family they consider they have left are their pets. It’s ok to feel these emotions of stress, anxiety, even anger. It’s natural and frankly I would be a bit worried if you didn’t have these reactions. Just remember that we have more than one option in releasing pent up anger. Like a way I like to release anger is by playing game. AND BEATING EVERYONE IN MARIO KART


What makes you think that?

I’m branching into network technology, instead of cyber security tbh. I’m sure of it. Just to know how to make a LAN smooth

My upbringing in a first world country is lucky enough. To be honest, all I’ll do is count my blessings instead of my faults. Not ignore the faults entirely, but check them at the very least. Know where the faults lie and then at least know when you’re committing them.

Psst, I’ve been procrastinating on this game for both days.

Maybe FM isnt a game for me. But I do enjoy logic and how people think and trying to understand what they do behind the scenes. I should just grab popcorn; I really prefer not to get embroiled in anything, considering my teenage hormones would probably get all excited and start clouding my mind…

Anyhow, we should get back to game.
Me and Universal are having just a thoughtful discussion. No worries.


This is mine