[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Feel free to claim to me, I’ll put it into StuCo anyway. I’m mainly just confused. Alice said it’s no error but I don’t see maf you holding on to this like that? Why should you Keep on lying? I don’t get it.

Okay because I used my day ability at SoD and I’m pretty sure it’s not been processed yet

I’m more comfortable here, so that’s why I speak out more when compared to a giant site like MU

Cause it’s not a lie, I even got a result that nothing happened to Squid now.

Don’t you think that’s a little unfair statement to make

This is the issue, I can’t even push logic around this whole entire situation unless I sa the flip of Eevee, it’s so annoying

eevee answer the damn question

Nobody is taking me seriously, so why should I even bother?

Plus, why would I claim to you of all people?

Because you are refusing to engage them at the point where they’re scumreading you

Do you think me quoting your posts and literally interacting with you over the span of a week is me “not taking you seriously and not caring”?

If you do, then you’re wrong, but I am wondering if thats even a real take.

All people are going to do is say I’m stupid or I don’t know what I’m doing

And maybe you should take your own advice and meet them halfway

Were you taking everyone seriously before?

Something at Merc really feels weird to me, especially because at some point seems like everyone was sus of her and then no one say anything anymore without any reason to
I feel pushy towards her because it is the closest to my only scumread until now

I was…

X to doubt

Fine … Then I won’t say anything. I guess I’m useless after all

Nuclear d1 “Hey Squid I saw some scummy post from you, can we talk aout them?”

Squid “No, how dare you ever say I could be mafia? You are so awful”

Also Squid “Nobody ever cares to talk with me or take me seriously. All they do it call me stupid”

:psyduck confused gif:

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Then just speak up .-.