[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

like, mercenary didn’t even know marshal was conftown until day 2

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technically only one since the masonry was fake

but it was real in my heart


i forgot we weren’t actual masons half the time


How many hecking neighborhoods did this game have :eyes:

but now i can say i fakeclaimed mason

now i can say that evils didn’t win an alice closed setup

it actually would been pretty close IMO.

i mean i would have died to bleed because i was dumb and spent moneys on a bottle message but :man_shrugging:

Wisdom apparently shooting Ici would have made it actually close

if that hadn’t happened I think we would pretty much always have won from this gamestate


oh if wisdom shot ici then yes it’d be close

arete you fucking time traveler what is this

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wtf did I just watch delete this now

oh the site does that sometimes

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anyways good game folks

Marshal, your early reads were in fact super on point, good work in that regard

it’s not your fault that my (Arete, not Byakuya) passive ability allows me to pocket anyone who shares a neighborhood with me

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Still disappointed that I didn’t survive to D2 because people kept trying to pressure me

ngl I think most of the Players here were great and fun to Play with. I really enjoyed it. Also definitely aiming to be mafia again on here. It’s fun XD

Either way, I’m off to Sleep it’s past midnight. See you all later!


I mean, I was trying to mislynch you, so there’s that

Yeah but you were really obvious evil

Only to you