[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

In my eyes, I confirmed you as town, never put you in a spot to get claimvigged and clear you from ever being lynched day one.

I guess I fucked by not assuming other town would be bad?

I think my play was very benefical if the town paid attention to what I said.

I mean, it was mostly marshal for immediately assuming that only evils would survive a dayvig :eyes:

Marshal scum mvp again?

I mean yes his reads are almost at this point
Always kinda off the mark

I mean I think that if every town member had actually put thought into their lists it would have mostly outweighed the scum lists

though it probably would’ve been more balanced if scum lists couldn’t influence the rands

I was hard defending you Italy, you had town running around saying I had redchecked you at some point.

Idk man

you are being pretty unfair.

“oh shoot me shoot me”

you coulda gone a non-claiming way of getting your exact point across.

“i knew i would survive and i can say for a fact marshal is town”
and also say nothing about the dayvig.

D2 scrum debate is an exception for obvious reasons

Oh yeah Italy was pretty town to me
What happened with that

yours i can at least get, you assumed it’d clear me in some way and knew claimvigs needed more accuracy to actually shoot me

No, i couldn’t
Because my passive would be lost if I even hinted I had it, because alice

Then I wouldn’t survive the shot and we’d just be back to square 1

or use some good 'ol town fakeclaims and say you can steal day abilities and you learn the alignment of whoever targets you with said ability

Honestly the whole Italy-Marshal thing
I didnt really wanna believe that such a thing could happen lol
It felt convenient, but reading Italy
He was town lol

Lukewarm take: fake redchecks are usually minus EV for town

The mechanics may have been scumsided in some regard, but if this setup was ran on my old forum, the town would have abused so much of the items/information.

I don’t think this forum has a very mechanically sided player list. These kind of setups might need to make up for that.

Whats EV >_<

To be fair yeah, that was really so perfect it’d be surprising when you realize it did actually happen

The mechanical players were all killed of D1. Especially PKR

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