[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Search my Iso, it’s posted in there

to be fair, i bled merc for revenge, not because i scumread them, same when I was NK on boss in SFoL 54.

I feel like ‘a town member intentionally bleeds someone they don’t scumread’ is the sort of thing that should increase the town’s chances of losing, yes’

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well i kind of scumread them because they were mindlessly tunneling me and defending actual scum but not enough i guess

lord orange and luxy really know when to pounce on an easy LHF. I really am helpless in those kind of situations when I don’t have the time to backread the thread.

and you are a lot better as scum than town ATM arete, because you’re so courteous that everyone just always townreads you, but you tend to rely a lot upon mechanics and don’t have the reading skills that you need to clutch as town, at least not yet

i don’t have them either; i’d say we’re about even in that regard

but players like hippo, kai, eevee, geyde, etc. all do

I’m one year on FM and I still suck at it lol

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okay, serious question, when did everyone decide that I rely overly much on mechanics

I acknowledge that I have bad reads but I don’t even use mechanics that much! like, all the standard examples of Bad Arete Reads came from reads, not from bad mechanical solving (Astand in Mafia Academy is the one counterexample, and even there I’d already been TRing him from the start of the game)

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can i steal your spot on the list of people with good reads
80% of my reads are accurate but the 20% that aren’t are the ones that matter

You lunch the 20%

I mean since you roll scum 100% of the time, your reads are almost always going to be correct
I’ll agree with the switch

I just have big town presence when I try

I wish to play wolf with good wolves so I can not be obvscum
Should I play at MU

What I meant was not that your reads are bad, but that you fail to read in many periods where you should and are instead just speaking about mechanics and only mechanics
P sure you did some of this in looming threat, and again doing that at the expense of any reading whatsoever is v bad especially in closed setups


Not that your mechanical solving is bad, per say, but if you only focus on that for most of or an entire day with no reads, with one flaw or fault (such as noactioning town isaac from SFoL 57), the entire plan collapses
It’s just not reliable over good reads IMO.

i actually like playing villa