[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

No one is interacting with me
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

And I havent read after post 900 something kappa

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Triggered Durian

Shurian who would u kill tonight if u were evil?

LastDay collusion with Russia

Shouldn’t your vote be on Solic if you were scumreading him :thinking:

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Kill Kyo because good Kyo = Scum doomed if me scum

Insanity start a townblock with me

can I join

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That was obviously a meme vote


You start your own living condition over there :wink:

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I dislike that but idk if thats cuz ur just misonfirmed or scum lol

After the vote,you have to write

(I am in collusion with USSR)


yeah, I can see that as a read :thinking:

True, then vote Solic if you really scum read him :eyes:

in any case I think Merc’s content lately has been fairly redeeming

/unvote Merc

/vote Italy

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I’m silently judging every single post all of you make

Arete what are your votes in?

Too late ur already in townblock with me and hijask u dont get a choice.

They were not
I was pursuing as best as I could because I’m traveling and in mobile