[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Im starting to be reluctant on Squid.

Like I like that they took initiative and came out with request to be in council, but I hardly saw anything substantial afterwards.

And even if I believe theirs role would benefit from having correct hope/despair list automaticly… I would rather have someone active there.

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/dayvig this_nick_name_sucks

/vote myself for Historiator
For the motherland

You might try to argue that, but no… You are very much wrong.
I have told naught but the truth so far and it can be proven at any point.
I am ready to claim 2 abilities (I know which 2 to claim) once we get rid of the scum member holding the original anti-claim thing.

Like even I have twice the posts (andess oneiners than them).

And it was night in my country mostly so far.

Who was other candidates for librarian tho?

Now I am one

Bruh. I need Secretary or Historian badly

Jk don’t vote me for council

pretends he believes it and proceeds to say who to lynch after theirs death

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Y’all need to stop that

No you don’t

Yes, I do. I think I’m able to read my card. I need the income or the read-guaranteedness

: (

I give you like a 90% chance of not needing that Student Council position


I need one of the other. Like pretty much guaranteed.
I give you a 95-99% chance of that.

And I think my chance is mathematically sound

What do you think of Insanity

As far as I have read they have not posted

My bigger issue was Squid reappearing ITT and saying “Well I shouldn’t have read all those posts. Goodnight guys!” Instead of giving any commentary or opninions after supposedly reading 600 posts.

Tbh I do not NEED secretary for anything.

Abilitywise 3/4th of my abilities happened n0.