[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Only one way to discover babe

I cannot keep up with this thread :sweat:

/vote Maxwell for lynch

But no, it is just me being annoying because I feel like it

I could, but give me a second here, because I didn’t really pay attention to his post.

If you join the club
And show up dead tomorrow
It means you found a member of the mafia
If I was maf

Opening is Null.

Claims that he is highly impactful to the game if he were to be Treasurer.

Uhm, overall, Null.

Seriously. I couldn’t read him.

No, read him or die.

Orrr read someone else.

Add me to literature club pls.

I can’t really read him for the love sake of my goddamn life span ;-;


How does italy have a near redcheck?

On them, they don’t have one.

You will be Natsuki!

I will join the club, but be careful if you take action against me in the night.

By who?

How is my tone off?

You are probably scum

Wait no
You have to fill a declaration first

that doesn’t answer my question and you know it