[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

Solic I made it to around 2.3k posts xP
Still going strong

Flashwagon on Ici in like 8 posts based off of Emilia’s push on him is weird, feel like Merc’s take is has validity.

Given that it was all SC talk before that its kind of out of nowhere.

Ici just gave a lot of vague “reads” and didn’t seem like he enjoyed himself that much. It was completely warranted.

I’d prefer not to say more on the matter but I will finish this line of interaction by clarifying that I know for certain that what I am referring to here is something that I and only I know.

Wasn’t he making jokes and posting memes? Isnt that enjoying yourself?

I’d agree his reads early one were lukewarm

Oh lol italy is prolly scum well baited

Yeah, interesting indeed
Townlean on Nuclear because he played along with my plan nicely

This doesn’t sound like that and he opened like that.

His reaction to the wagon was also terrible. Just OMGUSing people on it without actually indicating who.

/vote Italy for lynch


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Lmao did Kai just yeet the presidency away

I don’t like how many null scumreads are talking rn
Universal help me this place is scary

datbird fluffing somewhat

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Oh hey Luxy
Are you new here?

Ok, Pillic hearted me comment on plot armor helping hippo

Very much so

Also Pillic hearted the comment and watched our convo with rehab and didn’t comment until an hour or two later

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