[FM] Danganronpa FM [Canned]

It’s probable enough to me.

If your meta doesn’t evolve and you Always act a certain way as town and another way as mafia then I have to tell you that this way of playing isn’t good.

I Play basically the same way as town and as maf. That makes me less easier to read because THAT WAY you actually HAVE to Judge me IN THREAD and not on some meta bs

Probable enough for what?
Say that there is small chance I am scum? Yes
Say that I am scum without giving anything else? No

It can evolve but it doesn’t mean it changes completely

We all said why you’re maf and you did Nothing to prove us wrong.

Probable enough to vote you.

I did

All your reasoning was

  1. I do not have content wich is not only incorrect but doesn’t support conclusion I am mafia

  2. That I am too defensive wich doesn’t support that conclusion

Vote me for what?

Seems like you were in it also at one point. So why can you be on it but not me

For execution.

No vote me for execution for what reason?

I want to explain this as quickly as i can
Your self meta is bullshit.

That ‘tell’ isn’t something I consider changing completely.


Offense or my vote sticks, not going to reply in circles to you otherwise anymore. :man_shrugging:


Change my Tell? What?

It’s that one matter where Hja/Emilia sheeps on their meta and says that one part is an exception

I’ve already showed why your reasoning on that is wrong multiple times

If your ONLY content in over 3000 Posts total in thread is “The ici Thing” then I have news: That ain’t enough at all. And it does support the conclusion.